Bitcoin mixer for Liber-
How can libertarians take
advantage of a Bitcoin mixer
Hello, I’m Karma.
I believe that a small group of
thoughtful and committed individuals
can change the world. And Satoshi
Nakamoto proved it. Bitcoin is
freedom & privacy, and whir
helps to preserve it.
Make love,
not war.
Libertarianism is described as a political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core value. For supporters of this ideology, liberty is the most important value above all. They want to make their own choices, be free in the markets and in life as such, not constrained by any government or political institution.
This does not mean that libertarians want anarchy or chaos. Not at all. Libertarians are mostly concerned about being pushed to do things they do not necessarily agree with. Libertarians believe that others should not have the power to force them to make any decisions they do not want to make.
“Libertarianism says that the best way to interact with each other is without force, without top-down controls.”
And top-down controls, which are usually enforced by governments, are often believed to be the biggest enemy of libertarianism. Many libertarians therefore believe either in smaller states, where people would have opportunities to choose which state they want to live in based on whether they agree or disagree with the states policies. Others go as far as stating that there should not be any states or governments that are “ruling its citizens.”
How is this connected to Bitcoin?
While it might look like libertarianism and Bitcoin have nothing in common, this could not be further from the truth. In fact, many believe that Bitcoin is one of the best libertarian tools out there, since it allows one to opt out from the monetary system that is currently ruled by governments.
Some central banks around the world will claim their independence from the country or government where they are operating. However, as we all know, this simply is not true and central bankers, in the vast majority of cases, are somehow connected to the currently ruling parties or officials in power.
Thus, central bankers are nothing else than just puppets of politicians, who have power over monetary systems in the country, leading to almost totalitarian power over the people. To opt out of this monetary trap, libertarians can use (and are using) Bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a monetary network that is not ruled by governments or politicians. In fact, it is not ruled by anyone other than the code. One common saying in the crypto world even states that Code is Law, which only signifies how powerful the code is.
Not any single individual, government or political party, but code is in charge of Bitcoin. Andwhir.storeit is completely transparent and verifiable, everyone can check whether they believe in the code and if so, they can run their own Bitcoin nodes, becoming sovereign individuals who do not rely on anything but the piece of software running on their computer.
Sovereign individuals should have privacy - enter Whir
To step up the libertarian “game” even more, libertarians are often learning about Bitcoin privacy and anonymity. The fact that they want to opt out from the system means that oftentimes they also want to make sure that “the system” does not know what they are doing. And this is not because of a need to make illegal or immoral decisions. This is solely because they want to be autonomous, not ruled or pushed around by anyone. And in many cases, to do this, they need to stay anonymous.
The blend of Bitcoin and Whir helps with that. While Bitcoin provides the autonomous features where everyone is their own bank, Whir makes sure that this bank is anonymous. From sending Bitcoin privately to receiving, Whir makes sure that the identity of all the participants in this privacy solution is anonymous and as easy to use as possible.
Would you like to use Bitcoin privately? Use Whir. A tool for an average Joe (or Jane) who wants to protect their privacy. Send Bitcoin privately, without KYC, using a CoinJoin transaction.
Thus, by using Bitcoin through Whir, libertarians can not only be in charge of their own “monetary system,” but also be sure that their transactions are private and anonymous, thus not allowing governments to snoop around.
Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.
Disclaimer: This article does not serve as a piece of financial advice or encouragement and inducement for the usage of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Its primary role is informative, explanatory, and educational. The readers have to decide themselves whether to use or not to use these types of services.
Everyone has right
for their privacy.
Privacy is a fundamental human right recognized by the UN Declaration of Human rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and in other treaties. No matter who you are, Whir is for all of you*, and these are our clients:

* Okay, let’s be clear. Privacy is absolutely vital for the bad guys, too. We, however, do not support the crooks, and our service is not suitable for them either. Even though Whir does the best to anonymize the transactions, there are far better coins for crypto anonymity, such as Monero or zcash. Please read our terms before use.
People should have privacy. Governments should have transparency.